Sunday, September 14, 2008

Action Jaxal

A couple of action pictures of my jedi character Jaxal Lasan from our Tuesday Night Star Wars Game.


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Another character portrait for our Sunday Night Game, a Dwarf named Xaver Grunder. As with all the other a work in progress.


Scene done in DAZ3d Studio. It took me a while to get the camera angle right and the shadows to fall were I wanted them. I have done a little post work around the spell effect but still have some more to do.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Another in my line of character portraits for our on going D&D game. This one, is of our happy go lucky elven cleric Perilin.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bothan Jedi 2

Here is my second try at creating a bothan jedi (click to see a bigger view). As you can probably see, I started with one of my previous attempts, where I used Victoria 4 from Daz3d. The last picture was limited by the morphs available with that figure. In this picture I moved the head over to ZBrush 3 made some extensive changes and then re-imported the head back into Daz3d Studio. I just started using ZBrush and its proving to be an intuitive sculpting program but I'm having a harder time dealing with the textures.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My attempt at creating two bothan characters using different base models.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jaxal Lasan

A render for an upcoming Star Wars game. I'm going to print it out and make a little paper A-frame out of it. So I can set it out during the game, so everyone else will know what my character looks like.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Red Sorceress

One of my toughest renders so far. The glowing spheres of magic around her hands was quite the challenge. Its also still in need of some post work to fix some of the lighting around her neck.

Steel House

This is made up of simple objects that I threw together quickly to show what I steel arch house might look like.

Town Square

I tend to a lot of portrait type and close face shots. This is a longer shot to mix it up a bit.

Last pass

This is an older render that I did. Lighting is fairly simple but reasonably effective. The knight model I used here is what I would change the most. Its to simple and comes off flat and cartoonish.

Overall I think it has a nice sense of story and action. That leaves the view wondering what is coming next.