Sunday, May 26, 2013

Barbarian vs SaberTooth

Good action scene, not much need for further comment.

Because its been a while.

It's been a while since I last posted something..

Same render with different after effects applied. Female paladin with her mount looking out at the landscape as its lit by the dawning sun.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A render of my latest Pathfinder character Brother Felix Radex.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Red Sorceress

Here is a fake book cover that I worked up using the Daz/Reality/LuxRender setup. There was only some minor touch ups done apart from adding the words and fake publisher logo.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I just discovered this new open source 3d render called LuxRender. With an inexpensive plug-in for DAZ 3d Studio called Reality I have been able to create some pretty amazing pictures. One of the interesting things about LuxRender is that it never stops rendering. In theory you could let it go on forever and it will keep working to improve the image.

You can save an image at any time while still letting it work on the render. On the down side it can take it a while to produce a smooth image. This image was taken at the 25 hour mark, even thou you could see where it was going at the 15 min mark. There are things I can do to help get the render times down, I am still learning at this point, and the community that created LuxRender is still working to improve things on their end. All in all I am very impressed.

To finish up, here is another image I have just completed.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Captain John

I thought it was about time to update a picture I did for a friend over a decade ago (dang! its been a long time). I hope you like it.

For the Emperor

Because there is nothing better than killing the enemies of humanity in the name of the Emperor.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


A work in progress using Daz3d Studio some of their models and RPG Citymap Generator. Its a medium sized town called Oakcrest set in a fantasy background I'm working on.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Its been a while since I last posted so here is Jaxal in his new Jedi Knight Robe.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Action Jaxal

A couple of action pictures of my jedi character Jaxal Lasan from our Tuesday Night Star Wars Game.


Sunday, July 20, 2008


Another character portrait for our Sunday Night Game, a Dwarf named Xaver Grunder. As with all the other a work in progress.


Scene done in DAZ3d Studio. It took me a while to get the camera angle right and the shadows to fall were I wanted them. I have done a little post work around the spell effect but still have some more to do.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Another in my line of character portraits for our on going D&D game. This one, is of our happy go lucky elven cleric Perilin.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bothan Jedi 2

Here is my second try at creating a bothan jedi (click to see a bigger view). As you can probably see, I started with one of my previous attempts, where I used Victoria 4 from Daz3d. The last picture was limited by the morphs available with that figure. In this picture I moved the head over to ZBrush 3 made some extensive changes and then re-imported the head back into Daz3d Studio. I just started using ZBrush and its proving to be an intuitive sculpting program but I'm having a harder time dealing with the textures.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

My attempt at creating two bothan characters using different base models.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Jaxal Lasan

A render for an upcoming Star Wars game. I'm going to print it out and make a little paper A-frame out of it. So I can set it out during the game, so everyone else will know what my character looks like.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Red Sorceress

One of my toughest renders so far. The glowing spheres of magic around her hands was quite the challenge. Its also still in need of some post work to fix some of the lighting around her neck.

Steel House

This is made up of simple objects that I threw together quickly to show what I steel arch house might look like.

Town Square

I tend to a lot of portrait type and close face shots. This is a longer shot to mix it up a bit.

Last pass

This is an older render that I did. Lighting is fairly simple but reasonably effective. The knight model I used here is what I would change the most. Its to simple and comes off flat and cartoonish.

Overall I think it has a nice sense of story and action. That leaves the view wondering what is coming next.

Friday, December 21, 2007


I thought I would try my hand at a more winter themed picture, and this is the result. No post work as of yet, but I intend to do so with this piece. I'm going to try to make it look more like an oil painting and I think this render is a pretty good start.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


Thanks to Tygercub's suggestions I went back and worked with this image, and this is what came of it.

Along with the lighting I changed the viewing angle to one that looks a little more dramatic.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


This is my latest picture to date and I am very pleased with how it game out.

I rendered the background and foreground seperatly. Then gave the background a gaussian blur and combined it with the foreground in Gimp 2. Ended up saving a huge amount of render time.


I played with this render for a while and have not made it fall together. There is something or several somethings not quite right about it and I can't figure out what.

As alway all suggestions are welcome.

Gold Dragon

Gold Dragons are suppose to be good right? Right!?

Flying Castles

Flying Castles are great in my book. Right up there with Dirigibles and Zeppelins.

I'm pretty happy with this pic in general but I would love any suggestions on how to make the rocks look more realistic.

Generic Elf

I was playing around with the new DAZ figure V4 and Poser 7 and this is what came of it.

Not bad if I do say so myself.

A good Scratch

Not all interactions with dragons have to go badly. You just need to know how to get on their good side.


I was doing what I could to get the maximum amount of depth in this picture. To give it that 3d coming out of the screen kind of feel.

The Naming

This is the entry I submitted for a juried art competition. It made it to a gallery showing but didn't win anything in the way of prizes.

The biggest problem I had with it, was getting it printed. I took it to a local Kinkos to have it printed on a 16 by 20 in sized canvas but it came out way too dark and at the time I didn't have the time or the money to have it redone.

Oh well, live and learn


An evil wizard plotting his next cunning plan.

I really like having strong shadows in my pictures but it may come at the expense of making them too dark.

Matron Mother

How do you make a member of nearly immortal race look old enough to but not too old?

Check your Six

Focus is a good thing but you should never be so focus that you miss what is coming up behind you.

Dagger Throw

Throwing away your weapon is seldom a good idea but some times its your only option.

Which is the most Dangerous?

If you came across this trio and had to pick one to fight, which one would it be?

Wrong Cave

Its been at least 6 whole post since you've seen one of my dragon pictures.

So, here you go.

Kettle Farkison

My druid character in our latest Sunday Night D&D campaign with his trusty sidekick Gendalsdoughter.


Watch our for that bow, she can put a cannon ball sized hole right through an ogre's chest.

One of the chaotic horde that is our Sunday Night D&D game.


Wilmos was an NPC in our Sunday night campaign way back when it was only Nickolai and Flynn. He had quite the reputation as a giant slayer and kept our characters alive on more that a few occasions.

Unique Races

A Gatom (the red guy with four arms) and a Farduk ( the wolf man in plate armor) squaring off. Both races are unique creation to our GMs campaign.


Right before the panic set in when you learn that Raksasha are immune to 5th level or lower spells.

Don't worry, we survived the fight but the bar did not. Not many bar ever survived our encounters.


The Character I was playing at the time. Shortly before he lost his sword arm to a Vorpal Axe welding Hobgoblin.

Don't worry, healing magic is a wonderful thing.


One in what will be a series of character portraits that I have done of PCs in our Sunday Night D&D game.


You fall down a hole find a old sword and are charged by skeletons. What do you do?

Wolves vs Skeleton

Not quite the same as Ninja vs Pirate but I thought it came out reasonably well.

Flying Dragon

I go back and forth between using Poser and DAZ/Studio. Each has its own good and bad and fustrating points. Its easier in DAZ/Studio to move the figures around but Poser makes it easier to adjust texture and lighting.
The blending of the light on the model with the light in the photo is the hardest part of a picture like this.