Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I played with this render for a while and have not made it fall together. There is something or several somethings not quite right about it and I can't figure out what.

As alway all suggestions are welcome.


Anonymous said...

Good pose.

But I think your lighting is off. Look at the dapple of light on the tree's bark. Notice the light's coming from the left and should produce some shadows. Increase the depth of your shadows (and perhaps the shade of the cloth) so the inner sleeve & undercoat aren't so uniform with the exterior of the garment.

A dapple effect can be rendered by placing a transparency of amorphous shapes in front of your light.

Raymond said...

Thanks :), I keep thinking that since the same lights are lighting both the figure and the background, when I render that it shouldn't have been a problem. I will have to go back and work with your suggestions in mind.